Sunday, January 25, 2009

A great rishi has written ...
ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti..
This means --that which exists is one ..
vedas teach us that there is perfect unity in all life in the entire world..All that lives in one life,one essence..


  1. HI
    Great starting.
    welcome to the world of blogging.
    A beautiful way to share thoughts that would inspire and motivate one in life.
    Cheerful day to you

  2. It is said that anything well begun is half done.The elegant looking blog has started on the right note. Here is wishing Ms.Sita great blogging to share her wide knowledge in matters spiritual with others.

  3. Forms are Many
    Names are Many

    That which became all of them
    That which pervades all of them
    That which unites all of them

    is One, Supreme!
    The Supreme One!
